Monday, March 13, 2006

Here she is! These two are the most baby-looking (versus alien-looking) ones we have. I love the way she is posing with her little arms and hands by her face!

We don't know if she has a widow's peak or if that is her fontanel. We'll have to wait to find out. Isn't she cute?
Thanks to Meg for scanning and showing me how to post these.


annie said...

Soooo sweet! She has pretty lips.

Nathan said...

Wow, those pictures are cool! I have never seen anyone I knew in the 3-D ones. It's crazy to see her so clearly! Yay!

The Semi-Pro Chef said...

Those pictures are amazing. With such good-looking parents, this baby is going to be just beautiful. She already is. What a pretty name! I'm just gushing...I love babies. It's a real blessing to see your little loved one before they even come into the air! So cozy and cute!

Gretchen said...

These pictures are really amazing. She actually looks like a Shackelford in the lower pic!
I go tommorrow and hopfully will find out what my little bunchkin is! I'll let you know. =)

ShackelMom said...

Yes, amazing is the word! Wow! She is beautiful! I just want to give her a kiss, but I guess I'll have to wait! :-)

Anonymous said...

Oh how fun to see her! Thanks for opening up your comment section to people like me who don't have a blog yet! I enjoy reading your and everyones!

Heidi said...

I have never seen such a clear sonogram. Amazing. I have had fun seeing how much my kids look like their sonogram pics, later. For some reason that surprises me.