Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Photo Update
So Amelia is getting better and better with neck control. She can almost sit in a bumbo chair independently. Anders and Gretchen came over, and this adorable little flapper hat is a gift from them.

It's so fun to get the babies together. They noticed each other some, but were of course much more interested in what the mommas were doing.


ShackelMom said...

I love the hat! They are both SO cute! and they are really changing! Thanks for the new pictures! Never heard of a bumpo chair...

abuelo said...

Wrecked my knee one time when I bumpoed in a chair. Such good pictures. This a marvelous way to watch them grow.

Unknown said...

A bumbo chair is a seat that provides trunk support for a baby-- once they can hold their head up, they can sit-- it also encourages trunk muscle development. Kind of fun. This was passed on to her from her cousin Piper!

Anonymous said...

i must say, it was the cutest thing ever to watch her in the chair myself :-)!

Anonymous said...

So sweet! I do love her smile and little dimples! And what a sweet quilt they're laying on!

Erin said...

What fun pictures! Amelia is adorable and I LOVE her in her hat!

annie said...

Little miss pretty in pink.
Love the hat, and LOVE the smile. What a wonderful sight!