Photo Update
So Amelia is getting better and better with neck control. She can almost sit in a bumbo chair independently. Anders and Gretchen came over, and this adorable little flapper hat is a gift from them.
It's so fun to get the babies together. They noticed each other some, but were of course much more interested in what the mommas were doing.
I love the hat! They are both SO cute! and they are really changing! Thanks for the new pictures! Never heard of a bumpo chair...
Wrecked my knee one time when I bumpoed in a chair. Such good pictures. This a marvelous way to watch them grow.
A bumbo chair is a seat that provides trunk support for a baby-- once they can hold their head up, they can sit-- it also encourages trunk muscle development. Kind of fun. This was passed on to her from her cousin Piper!
i must say, it was the cutest thing ever to watch her in the chair myself :-)!
So sweet! I do love her smile and little dimples! And what a sweet quilt they're laying on!
What fun pictures! Amelia is adorable and I LOVE her in her hat!
Little miss pretty in pink.
Love the hat, and LOVE the smile. What a wonderful sight!
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