Monday, November 19, 2007

Just wanted to let you know that we don't have internet at home right now. After three years of "borrowing" it from unknown neighbors in three different homes, we've finally been cut off! We do need to finally get our own connection, but other things have kept it from being a priority. This next month will be an especially busy one for me (and everyone else!) We are hosting Jeff's family for Thanksgiving this year, and are also expecting our first house guest-- Shack cousin Jeremy! So I have a list about a foot long of things to do , but I am actually really enjoying these tasks. I'll try to post after the first holiday, before we are thrown into the next one (this time, hosting my side of the family and my brother Luke for Christmas!)


Heidi said...

will miss your post, hope to catch up in the blogging world after the holidays! Have a wonderful time with family!
God Bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Ariana,
Thanks for letting us know what's up! Sounds like busy days. I'm hoping to be able to borrow the internet from the neighbors for my new (to me) computer too, as soon as I get it going, but if not, then we'll have to figure out how we want to do it.

I hope you have a very nice Thanksgiving in your new home! Pictures of last year reminded me that we were all together at our house last year. Glad we were able to do that!

There's so much to be thankful for!
Love you all...