Monday, June 16, 2008

Family Photos

Well, it's been about 1 1/2 years since we've had a family photo taken-- a big no-no for people with little kids! Oh, well. My mother-in-law took these of us yesterday afternoon when we went to visit them. I can't decide which of these two are better, so I'm just putting them both up! Let me know if you'd like me to email you a file to print, since I know most family members don't have an up-to-date picture of us.


Anonymous said...

Great pictures! I would love to have a copy of the bottom one.Love Grandma

ShackelMom said...

Great pictures! You are a lovely little family! I'll take one of each! :-)

Robin said...

I love them. Thanks for showing us! How about sending me the second one... I think it's my favorite because it shows everyone's faces the most clearly. You all look wonderful.