Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Big Day Tomorrow.

So, I am taking the massage boards again. Tomorrow at 1:15, I'll give it another go. I'd like to say that I have been very even keeled about the whole affair, just studying regularly and not stressing out about it. But the truth is that I've been been going for broke with preparation, cashing in all babysitting favors and using every spare hour to hit the books. I have been ridiculously anxious about the exam, mostly because so much of my and my family's future hinges on whether or not I can practice massage in Oregon. I really need to be able to work. There is the very important (maybe dire?) financial aspect, but beyond that, it is for me personally. I love being a massage therapist, and I love being able to do that type of work. I am really looking forward to starting my own practice, having the opportunity to meet and work with people and switch gears from being at home all week.

Anyway, I have been so high-strung and stressed out. I can't wait for it to be over. Jeff went on a backpack with his dad last weekend, and his mom took Amelia for a couple of days so I could study. It was just the ticket, I was able to be alone and purposefully relax between study sessions. She also took me shopping and bought me a great pair of shoes, so that really helped too!
I call them my "lady shoes." They somehow miraculously make me feel a little more composed. Composure is something I seem to be a little short on lately...

Anyway, think of me tomorrow! Hopefully I will have some very good news soon!


Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are much better prepared this time. and with all our prayers and those shoes you will do verry well! Classy! Love Grandma

Luke said...

Yeah, I'll be prayin' as well!

Nathan said...

we will be cheering and praying for you too!

will you wear the shoes? you better!

love, carol and nathan

EMILY said...

Love your lady shoes. I will be thinking of you tomorrow. This may work when the nerves get rough (I learned it from my therapist. I thought it was really lame, but tried it and it really works.): Breathe in (slowly) "C" for calm, and breathe out "A" for anxiety. Also, email me: lamigraw@mac.com. I found a (hilarious) relic from your husband's past and want to share it with you.

TimnND said...

Thinking of you today as you take your tests again. May this afternoon be a time of great rejoicing!! Love the shoes too!!

Heidi said...

I am so excited for you! Can't wait to hear how it goes. I will be in your shoes in a month! I may just have to find myself a fancy pair of lady shoes! :)

ShackelMom said...

Well first, the shoes will knock 'em dead, and then they will be so dazed they will find everything you do and say for the test amazing in the extreme, and find they can do nothing but award you the highest grade possible and crown you Queen of all Massage Therapists, not only in Oregon, but also the Pacific Northwest and Guam. Just imagine that!

Unknown said...

"And to think that I saw it on Mulberry Street!" comes to mind, Mom!