Friday, March 06, 2009

Let me just say...

That I was indescribably relieved to check the mail and find a contract renewal for Jeff's job for the 2009- 2010 school year. If you remember, he missed the pink slips by two people last year-- it is always a bit dicey when your employer makes these decisions not based on merit, but on seniority-- and Jeff is the relative newbie. Whew!


Robin said...

Oh, yeah, that's a good, good feeling! So glad he got it again! And thanks for the pictures and reflections. You're such a good mom! I love reading your thoughts.
Aunt Robin

Mullins said...

You're relieved?!!! I am very relieved to have a job and a good one at that.

ShackelMom said...

Thank you, Lord! That's wonderful news!

Anonymous said...

whew! I know the feeling.

does he eventually get tenured?


Unknown said...

Yes, he'll get tenured next year-- I think!