Tuesday, May 01, 2007

For those of you who haven't seen A in action for a while, I caught some personality on video. I'd say her best talent right now is biting things... You also get a brief "fake" smile here. Sorry it's sideways.


ShackelMom said...

Um, I think there is something wrong with the link, it says it is loading, but it doesn't load... Wanna try again? Looking forward to watching it! :-)

Unknown said...

It is loading just fine for me here. Did you push the arrow on the bottom left? The middle one on the screen didn't work for me the first time. Try again and let me know!

ShackelMom said...

No, it says 'loading', but there is no red line showing progress, and it doesn't play. I clicked on it to see if I could see it at YouTube, but it didn't go to your movie. :-(

Unknown said...

OK, so I changed the setting for the video on YouTube so you can click on the screen and watch it on their site. By the way, it took a long, long time for it to load for me just now, but it eventually did. Anyway, hopefully you can just watch via YouTube. Let me know!

Nathan said...

I was able to watch it fine right in your blog page. It's fun to see her in living color! She's so fun!

ShackelMom said...

It now works from your blog! Wonderful! How fun to see her in action and to hear you laughing! Encore! Encore!

doro said...

that is precious! i LOVE her hair and those cute little bottom teeth. her smile reminds me of "beautiful eyes."

can't wait to see you two next week!

Anonymous said...

Wow, it's so fun having a little movie to watch! It worked perfectly for me! And thanks for the good trip report. I'm glad it went so well.

Anonymous said...

It's really sweet! I agree with Mom that one of the best parts is to hear you laughing... Mommy is amused!

Leslie said...

Oh, my goodness, Amelia is ridiculous! I love her! :) The fake smile was beyond hilarious.